Texas Living

4 Quintessential Rules of the Road

By Staci Parks 10.1.24

Driving is an everyday activity for most Texans, who average about 772.7 million miles a day, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. It’s so second nature that it’s easy to forget driving requires constant focus.

A little courtesy can go a long way behind the wheel, whether enjoying the scenic backroads of East Texas or traversing gridlock traffic in Houston. Good driving habits also lessen the chance of avoidable fender benders — and inciting road rage.

Here are four important rules of the road, plus tips on how to handle an aggressive driver.

Keep Your Focus

Distracted driving can have deadly consequences. In fact, it was the cause of 1 in 6 crashes on Texas roads in 2023, killing nearly 400 people, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. Distracted driving comes in many forms, ranging from texting to eating to tinkering with a navigation system while driving. Consider incorporating car tech accessories that can help keep you safe — and hands-free — behind the wheel. Staying alert also keeps you on the lookout for ambulances and fire trucks, which is critical for pulling over for emergency vehicles.

Go Back to the Basics

It might seem elementary, but incorporating these basic rules of the road into your everyday driving routine can make the road safer for you and those around you.

  • Use your turn signals.
  • Heed road signs.
  • Stop at red lights.
  • On the highway, keep to the right lane, using the left lane for passing only.
  • Keep your distance from other vehicles when possible.

Slow Down

Speed limits are in place for a reason: to protect every driver on the road. Speed is one of the top contributing factors to crashes in Texas. Driving at a regulated speed gives you more time to react to sudden stops, avoid debris on the road, control your vehicle, and navigate through construction zones.

Keep a Regular Vehicle Maintenance Schedule

A well-maintained vehicle lasts longer and has a lesser chance of mishaps on the road. Some basic car maintenance tasks, such as adding washer fluid and changing air filters, are quick and easy. Go deeper with this annual car-maintenance checklist. Checking in on your auto insurance should also be on that maintenance checklist. Reach out to your Agent to schedule a 360 Review to ensure you have the right coverage for your needs.

How to Handle an Aggressive Driver

Some things are out of your control — even if you’ve followed every piece of advice and abide by the rules of the road. If you encounter an aggressive driver while on the road, here’s how to avoid confrontation:

  • Evade eye contact. Staring down a fellow driver can be taken as aggressive or hostile.
  • Keep your emotions in check. Don’t escalate the situation by laying on the horn, flashing lights, or yelling.
  • Slow down and create space between you and the aggressive driver.
  • Call 911 if you feel threatened and drive to a public place, such as a police station or hospital, as calmly and quickly as possible.

Keeping these common rules of the road in mind is the first step to being courteous behind the wheel. Take that practice one step further by learning how to protect older drivers on Texas roads.

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