Texas Living

How to Propagate Houseplants

By Abi Grise Morgan 1.31.25

Mastering how to propagate indoor plants can feel like unlocking a superpower — turning one plant into many, for free! The following three methods can help give a struggling plant a fresh start and fill your home with jungle vibes.

Propagate Houseplants by Dividing

Plants: Ferns, ZZ plants, peace lilies, snake plants

Dividing is the quickest form of propagation because you’re working with existing roots. The easiest plants to divide naturally produce offsets, such as snake plants.

Remove the plant from its pot. Examine the root ball to identify healthy areas to divide.

2. Some plants can be gently pulled apart. Otherwise, cut the root ball into sections with a clean, sharp knife.

3. Plant cuttings into new containers with well-draining soil at the same depth as their previous home.

4. Water and place somewhere warm with bright, indirect light.

Water Propagation

Plants: Chinese evergreens, spider plants, Swiss cheese plants

If you’re new to propagation and want to watch the rooting process as reassurance that your efforts are working, water propagation is for you. All you need are scissors, a cup of water, and a mature plant.

Make a 3–5-inch cutting of the plant. Snip just below where a leaf attaches to the stem at a 45-degree angle. (Greater surface area maximizes water absorption.)

2. Remove the lowest leaves so only the stem is submerged in water. Leave two or three leaves above the water.

3. Place the clipping into a glass of water somewhere bright and warm, out of direct sunlight.

4. Change the water every other day.

5. After three or four weeks, roots will form. Once 1–2 inches long, plant them in a pot of moist compost.

Rooting a Leaf

Plants: snake plants, succulents such as jade, peperomia, ZZ plants

It’s wild to think a whole new plant can grow from a single leaf, but it’s true. This method is the trickiest form of propagation but requires the smallest plant clipping.

1. Cut a leaf as close to the stem as possible. (For snake plants, cut a triangle into the leaf at the bottom.) Allow the wound to dry out and scab over for a couple of days.

2. Dip the leaf into a rooting hormone.

3. Nestle the leaf (cut side at the bottom) about 2/3 down into fresh potting soil.

4. Tuck in with potting mix.

Houseplant propagation is simple, satisfying, and a great way to bring life indoors, especially on a dreary day. Once your new clippings are thriving, take the next step to set your indoor garden on autopilot with these houseplant hacks for busy people.

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