Learn the Warning Signs of Hypothermia
Texas is better known for its extreme heat, but the cold can still be dangerous here, especially if you aren’t used to it. Cold snaps can come on unexpectedly, so it’s essential to be prepared, which means knowing how to prevent, watch for, and treat hypothermia.

What Is Hypothermia?
Hypothermia occurs when the body loses more heat than it can generate. Core body temperatures below 95 F in humans, or around 98 F in dogs and below 100 F in cats, signal hypothermia. As the body drains its energy trying to warm up, organs like the brain and heart begin to slow. While many cases are mild, untreated hypothermia can quickly become serious. Even outdoor temperatures above 40 F can be dangerous when wet or rainy.
Infants and young children are especially vulnerable because they lose heat rapidly due to their relatively large surface area and limited energy reserves. Children also tend to be more active, burning through stored energy faster. Older adults are at higher risk because the ability to regulate body temperature decreases with age.

Warning Signs of Hypothermia
In the early stages, the body shivers to warm itself, and fatigue sets in. Slowed body functions can cause confusion, slurred speech, clumsiness, a weakened pulse, and shallow breathing. Due to the mental confusion, sufferers may not realize that something is wrong. Babies may develop bright red skin and seem sleepy, while pets might whine, shiver, move slowly, and have cold ears, paws, and tails.
Moderate hypothermia, occurring below 89.6 F, brings worsening mental deterioration, possible hallucinations, blue-tinged skin, slowed shivering, and a slow, irregular heartbeat. Pets may have pale gums and stiff muscles. In severe cases, when the body temperature drops below 82.4 F, the body is stiff and incapable even of involuntary movement like shivering. The affected person or pet may be unresponsive or even comatose. Without intervention, this can end in cardiac arrest and death.

Preventing Hypothermia
Dressing warmly is the best defense against hypothermia. Wear loose-fitting layers to allow blood circulation, starting with a thermal base layer and finishing with a water-resistant outer layer. Hats, scarves, and gloves or mittens help protect extremities. Rain boots are ideal for keeping feet dry. Infants and children should generally wear one more layer than adults.
Limit the time you spend in the cold, taking regular breaks to warm up inside. Change out of any wet clothes immediately. Children often ignore discomfort from the cold if they are having fun, so prompt them to come in periodically. Indoor spaces should stay at least 68 F.
Temperatures above 45 F are generally safe for pets, as long as it’s not wet or windy. Pets with thin coats are at greater risk in the cold. Ensure that pets have plenty of indoor time and access to warm shelter outside. If your pet will tolerate them, pet sweaters or jackets can provide extra protection.

Treating Hypothermia
The sooner you catch and treat hypothermia, the better the outcome will likely be. If you suspect hypothermia, move the person or pet indoors immediately, removing wet clothing and layering on warm blankets. Offer warm drinks, such as tea, if the person is conscious to help warm from the inside out.
Avoid direct heat, such as heating pads, as a rapid temperature change can cause irregular heartbeat. For moderate or severe hypothermia, call 911 immediately and follow the dispatcher’s instructions. While most hypothermia cases are mild and manageable, knowing how to prevent and respond to it can protect you, your loved ones, and your pets during cold weather. Teach your family the signs of hypothermia and how to help someone in danger. With these precautions, you’ll be well equipped for a safe, warm winter.
Encourage indoor breaks from cold weather activities with a DIY hot chocolate bar.
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