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Our First Responders: Delaney Sweeney
Delaney Sweeney works with just one other veterinarian at Wilkinson Veterinary Clinic in Alice. When the pandemic arrived, all other veterinary clinics in the area shut to all but emergencies, leaving Sweeney and her fellow vet to see what felt like all the animals in the county. For two to three months, their daily pet intake

Our First Responders: Kirk Burnett
Kirk Burnett arrives at the fire station at 6 a.m. As a driver engineer, he has to check his fire engine’s equipment; wash the apparatus to make sure it’s clean enough to be proud of — a symbol of trust and safety for the public; clean the station. He eats breakfast with his fellow firefighters,

Our First Responders: Brent Tymrak
Brent Tymrak spent the spring making nighttime runs while rushing to plant his crop of grain, corn, and cotton. This was nothing unusual — it’s what his farm does every year. What was odd this year was the lack of traffic on the roads. “It was real eerie coming home during curfews, driving 15 miles and

Pronghorn graze in wintry West Texas. Photo by Shelby Cox