Texas Living

Recipe: Frozen Custard

By Patrick Reardon 8.7.23

Ice cream is the typical go-to summer treat to cool down with, but under the Texas sun, a scoop becomes a puddle fast. That’s why frozen custard has been such a hit here. Unlike ice cream, it’s made with egg yolks, which make it thicker and smoother, meaning it can withstand hot summer days a little longer while cooling you down.

Try our frozen custard recipe this summer—plus tips for flavoring and serving your new favorite treat!


2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk or half-and-half
1/2 cup sugar
A pinch of salt
6 large egg yolks


1. Combine heavy cream, milk (or half-and-half), sugar, and salt in a small pan. Cook on medium-low until mixture is well-combined and sugar completely dissolved. Remove the pan from heat and set aside.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks well. Continue whisking while slowly pouring a third of the hot cream into the yolks. Whisk slowly, then pour the yolk mixture back into the pan with the remaining cream. Cook on medium-low heat, stirring regularly, until the consistency becomes yogurtlike. Be sure not to let the mixture boil or the yolks will curdle.

3. Remove from heat and pour into a bowl (stainless steel works best). Cool the mixture to room temperature before covering in plastic wrap and storing in the refrigerator (not the freezer, which may cause the mixture to separate) for at least 4 hours or overnight.

4. Once your mixture has cooled, it’s time to churn it. If you have an ice cream machine, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you don’t, pour the cooled mixture into a baking dish and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes, then remove and stir the mixture vigorously. Return to the freezer and repeat this process 4-6 times or until you’ve achieved a thick, creamy consistency. Serve immediately or store in the freezer until needed.

Custard Up

Our classic frozen custard recipe is delicious, but these flavor upgrades can take your homemade dessert to the next level.

  • Vanilla Bean: Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla bean paste to your mixture in step 1.
  • Chocolate Milk: Add 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup to your cooled custard mixture at the beginning of step 4.
  • Very Berry: Blend 1 cup strawberries and/or raspberries into a fine liquid. Add the berry blend to the custard as you mix it in step 4.

Serve With Style

Frozen custard goes great on its own, but there are all kinds of ways to up your presentation game.

  • Top off a warm brownie with a scoop of frozen custard for an evening that’s twice as sweet.
  • Serve up a custard float by adding a scoop to a cold glass of root beer, cream soda, or Dr Pepper.
  • Try an affogato (or a “custardo”) by pouring a shot of espresso over a scoop of your homemade frozen custard and mixing well.

Dive into the next chapter of classic Texas desserts by visiting our guide to mile-high pies.

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