Let the Easter Egg Hunt Begin
Are Easter eggs all they’re cracked up to be? Definitely, with this fun guide to help you and your little ones dip and dye to their heart’s content. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket — make plenty to go around and send the family off on an Easter egg hunt for the ages.

Photo by Natalie Goff
Plan on making enough so each kid can dye a dozen. The quest for the perfect hard-boiled egg can be tricky, so keep these tips in mind:
- Fill the bottom of a medium-sized saucepan with large eggs.
- Cover the eggs with cold water.
- Add 1 tablespoon of salt.
- Place the pan over high heat until it starts boiling.
- Turn off the stove and cover the pan.
- Let the eggs sit for 10 to 13 minutes.

Photo by Natalie Goff
This project can get messy, especially if you have tiny helpers! Find an old tablecloth, newspaper, or paper towels to place over your workspace. Then, assemble the following:
- Paper towels or an old dishcloth.
- Slotted spoon or tongs. (You’ll grab the eggs with these.)
- Empty egg cartons. (These will double as your drying racks and storage bins.)
- Containers large enough to immerse an egg. (Each color should have its own container.)
- 1/2 cup of boiling water for each container.
- 1 teaspoon of vinegar for each container.
- Liquid food coloring. (Use between 10 and 20 drops. Use more drops for a darker hue.)

Photo by Natalie Goff
Choose your colors and prep your dye containers using the supplies above. Here are a few tips for successful dyeing:
- Use a slotted spoon or tongs to submerge your egg in a dye.
- Turn the egg so the dye reaches all sides.
- For a darker color, leave the egg in the mixture for at least five minutes or more.
- Remove the egg from the mixture and place it in the carton to dry.
- Once the eggs have dried, store them in the refrigerator.

Photo by Natalie Goff
Before you gather your friends and family for a colorful afternoon Easter egg hunt, think about the following:
- Consider the location. A large group of egg hunters will need a sizable arena. But it shouldn’t be too Make sure you can set specific parameters.
- Find the perfect hiding spot. Think about the ages of your participants. Younger hunters might need a few obvious hiding spots, while older kids will want a challenge.
- Count your eggs. Keep track of the number of eggs you’re hiding. You don’t want to come across them a few days later.
- Have extra baskets on hand. Consider prizes for the lucky winners!
For more party tricks, check out our guide to hosting a Texas-themed kid party or family game night.
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