Insurance and Finance

Common Road Hazards

By Paige Skinner 9.21.15

You are driving down a country road when, in an instant, a deer appears in front of your car.

Should you swerve? Should you brake? Should you hit the deer? Anyone could encounter road hazards like these.

Chris Forgey, a Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Agent based in Tarrant County, says it’s important to be aware of animals, especially at night and in rural areas. If an animal hits your car, he says, it can be disastrous.

Here are other common road hazards to watch out for:

These can be frustrating and often seem to be everywhere — especially in large cities. The bigger the pothole, the more damage it can cause to your tires and car.

When ice forms during winter months, it makes it not only dangerous to drive on frozen streets, but ice flying off other cars creates a hazard as well. For safety, remove all of the ice that has accumulated on your windshield, roof, hood, and trunk lid before you start to drive.

Truck Debris
If you find yourself driving behind a pickup truck or workmen’s vehicle with materials or tools stashed in the back, it’s best to move to another lane. Something could become airborne and damage your car, or even worse, injure you.

“Anytime you collide with something (whether you can help it or not), it is considered a collision claim unless it’s a bird or animal. If you carry Other Than Collision coverage it can be handled under that coverage,” Forgey says.

If a sudden road incident happens to you, speak with a Texas Farm Bureau Insurance claims adjustor or call 800.266.5458 to report your claim 24 hours a day.

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