5 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy
Heart disease — an umbrella term for disorders that narrow or block blood vessels, potentially leading to heart attacks or strokes — is a serious health epidemic. In 2021, heart disease was responsible for 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The good news, though, is that there are steps you can take to greatly reduce your likelihood of developing heart disease.
This American Heart Month, take a few minutes to evaluate your lifestyle. Making a few significant changes can mean all the difference for your health.

1. Know your risk.
Some key risk factors for heart disease and stroke are high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, stress, unhealthy diet, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. If a close relative has had a stroke or heart attack, you may be at increased risk. Your age and ethnic background may also increase the risk of heart disease.
While you can’t do anything to change your genetic predisposition to heart disease, being aware of it can help motivate you to make any necessary lifestyle changes and to watch closely for any issues.

2. Heart-healthy diet
Choosing whole, nutrient-rich foods is one of the best things you can do for your heart. It probably won’t come as a surprise that fruits and vegetables are at the top of the list! Prioritize whole grains and foods high in lean protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, leafy greens, avocado, brown rice, eggs, nuts, seeds, and legumes are all great choices.
On the flip side, do your best to avoid saturated or trans fats, sodium, and added sugar. Most processed and prepackaged foods contain significant amounts, and unless you habitually read nutrition labels, you might not know. Making meals at home and choosing low-sodium options when you do eat premade food or sauces can help.
Consult a medical professional before making any significant changes to your diet.

3. Get moving.
Like any other muscle, the heart must be used regularly to stay strong. One of the best ways to boost your heart’s ability to circulate blood is to make exercise a habit. Activities that raise your heart rate, like biking or running, are especially beneficial for cardiovascular health. Many contributing factors to heart disease, like excess weight and high cholesterol, can be improved by aerobic exercise.
Adults should try to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (e.g., brisk walking) a week, plus muscle-strengthening exercises like weightlifting. But don’t let perfect be the enemy of good — any amount of activity is better than none.
Consult a medical professional before beginning a new exercise regimen.

4. Get checked out.
Don’t wait until you notice something strange going on with your heart to see a doctor. Being proactive about your health will give you the best chance at mitigating the effects of any heart issues. During your regular wellness checkups, your doctor should check your blood pressure. You can also ask to have your cholesterol levels tested periodically. Make sure your doctor knows about anything that might put you at increased risk, like a family history of heart disease, and get any chest pains or irregular heartbeats checked out right away.

5. Manage stress well.
Some amount of stress in life is inevitable, but if you find yourself living with chronic stress, it can raise your blood pressure long term. You may also find yourself trying to cope with stress in unhealthy ways that increase your vulnerability to heart disease.
If you have taken on more than you can manage in a healthy way, it might be time to see where you can simplify or cut back. Identify your top priorities in life and make sure the way you spend your time reflects them — techniques such as bullet journaling and meditating may help. Exercise is a fantastic outlet for stress, and it has the bonus of boosting your heart health at the same time. And don’t forget to make time for the friendships and hobbies you enjoy. A professional counselor can be helpful if you are struggling to cope well with stress.
One of the best ways to ensure you and your loved ones are cared for is to have health care coverage. Learn more about Texas Farm Bureau Health Plans and sign up today.
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