Enjoying a Texas Snow Day
It doesn’t snow often in Texas, but when it does, it brings the state to a standstill. Even light flurries make everyone marvel. The snow might not stick around for long, so here’s how to make the most of it while you can.

Go Sledding
It’s hard to justify money and storage space for a sled you will use once or twice a year at most. Fortunately, you can make your own out of a cardboard box, laundry basket, trash can lid, or kickboard. Find a gentle slope, like a driveway or small hill, and have a blast. Avoid anything too steep, and never use a vehicle to drag or tow a sled, even at low speeds.
Build Snowmen and Snowballs
The one thing that is generally not bigger in Texas is our snowmen. You might need to scale down your creation depending on the amount of snow available and how well it holds together. When throwing snowballs, pack the snow lightly so no one gets hurt.

Leave a Mark
Even snow that doesn’t pack well can be decorated. Fill spray bottles with water and food coloring to “paint” your snowy canvas. Don’t forget the snow angels!
Have a Photoshoot
Snow is a natural reflector, brightening faces for flattering photos. It’s the perfect time to take some family pictures, especially just after sunrise or before sunset. Keep your phone protected in a warm pocket when you’re not using it.

Enjoy Cozy Food and Drink
Cold days call for comfort food. Make a steamy bowl of chili or soup, or make your favorite slow cooker recipe and let it simmer all day. Warm up those braving the outdoors with mulled apple cider or chai tea, or set up a hot chocolate bar and indulge. Keep it simple with store bought hot chocolate or lean into the coziness of brewing your own cup.
Warm Up Your Home
Nothing feels better than bundling up inside while a blanket of snow covers the neighborhood. Soak it up by starting up the fireplace, chiminea, or bonfire. Just be sure you’re heating your home safely.

Read, Watch, and Play
This is the perfect day to pull out that book you’ve been meaning to read — bonus points if it’s by a Texas author. Enjoy time with the whole family with a board game or movie night.

How to Keep Yourself and Family Safe and Warm
Getting Dressed. If you plan to play outside, dress warmly in layers and a snug hat. Gloves are a must if you’re building snowmen! Once you’re back inside, immediately take off damp clothing.
Be Careful. Texans, let’s be real: Driving in the snow is not our strong suit. If you’re venturing out, slow down, leave plenty of space between cars, and don’t drive more than necessary. Be careful as a pedestrian too and watch for iced-over steps and sidewalks.
Prepare for Outages. If you have warning before the weather hits, charge your devices and stock up on bottled water, extra batteries, and blankets. If you have a generator, ensure it’s ready for action. If you do lose power and conditions aren’t too bad outside, check on any elderly neighbors.
Texas snow days are all the more magical for their rarity. Check out our guide to creating the ultimate at-home movie night experience.
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